Das Kohlensäurebad – künstliche und natürliche Bäder

The carbon dioxide bath – artificial and natural baths

Find out the use and effects of a carbon dioxide bath

A form of balneotherapy treatment is the carbon dioxide bath . A carbon dioxide bath means that at least one gram per kilogram of water contains carbon dioxide. The origin of the carbon dioxide can be natural or artificial. In this article we would like to take a closer look at the carbon dioxide bath. What effect does it have and how should it be used?

What are natural carbon dioxide baths and what are artificial carbon dioxide baths?

The natural carbon dioxide bath
Many natural sources can be found in Germany that correspond to a real carbon dioxide bath . They are available with warm and cold water and their carbon dioxide content is particularly high. Examples include Bad Ems, Bad Salzuflen, Bad Pyrmont and Bad Wildungen. From a historical perspective, Friedrich Wilhelm Beneke became the first well doctor in Bad Nauheim in 1857. He also published the first paper on the treatment of heart patients using a brine bath containing carbonic acid.

The artificial carbon dioxide bath
Two different ways can be helpful for preparing an artificial carbon dioxide bath. On the one hand, this would be mechanical preparation. The water is saturated with gaseous carbonic acid. This takes place at three bar overpressure, which is also known as the impregnation process. Once this has happened, the still cold water can be added to the warm bath water. The full bath can then be heated to the desired bathing temperature with hot water.

The much easier preparation for a carbon dioxide bath can be achieved using a bath additive . This is added to the water and the bathing experience can begin. In this case, the preparation for the carbonation is sodium hydrogen carbonate. The further addition of acidic salts and weak acids releases the carbonic acid.

When can a carbon dioxide bath be helpful?

The carbon dioxide baths approved in Germany can have a supportive effect in the following cases:

  • For mild forms of high blood pressure
  • For mild circulatory problems in the legs and arms
  • For microcirculation disorders of the skin
  • For skin ulcers
  • In chronic insufficiency

What effect does a carbon dioxide bath have on the body?

The effect of carbon dioxide on the skin receptors during a carbon dioxide bath is said to have a positive influence on the sensation of itching and pain. In the case of illnesses such as gangrene or ulcer, such a bath is said to have a pain-relieving and overall calming effect on the entire body. The same applies to wounds that heal poorly, as these may experience vasodilatation. A carbonic acid bath also ensures the formation of new blood vessels and generally better blood circulation, which in turn benefits the liver and kidneys. A carbon dioxide bath can also be positive for athletes as it increases performance.

A carbonic acid bath also influences the thermoreceptors. This means that the carbon dioxide stimulates the warm receptors as well as the cold receptors and therefore the bath is perceived to be approx. 2°C warmer than it actually is. A carbonic acid bath can therefore also be enjoyed without any problems at a cooler water temperature such as 31°C.

What should you pay attention to when using a carbon dioxide bath ?

While bathing in a carbonic bath , you should move as little as possible to achieve maximum effect. Furthermore, the head should remain above the edge of the tub so that the gases are not inhaled. This particularly affects children. Once the carbonic acid bath has been completed, you need to shower your body and allow yourself a rest period of 30 minutes.

>> Click here for the carbonic acid bath from HELFE!