Darf man ein Duschgel als Badezusatz und umgekehrt einsetzen?

Can you use a shower gel as a bath additive and vice versa?

What is the difference between a shower gel and a bath additive?

Who hasn't experienced it – you're standing in the shower and just as you're about to soap yourself up, the shower gel runs out. The only thing left is the bath additive on the edge of the bathtub. So you'll just have to use that, after all, there's no need to worry about using it in the bath water. The same applies the other way round. No bath additive ready? – Then you'll just have to use the shower gel for the bath. Many of us are familiar with one or even both scenarios. So it's not uncommon to use the care product that's still available. Both foam and you get nice and clean. The question that arises is, what is the difference between the shower gel and the bath additive?


What exactly is a bath additive?

Let's first look at bath additives. It should be said that they are care products used for a lovely bath. But bath additives also differ significantly from one another. These have been available in drugstores, supermarkets and online shops like ours for some time. There are bath additives for a wide variety of occasions and effects. Depending on your wishes, they can pamper the senses and the body, or they can have a nourishing effect. But they often have both effects at the same time. They promote health and well-being. With the right bath additive, wound healing can be supported, blood circulation promoted and stress generally reduced. The essential oils are partly responsible for this. Bubble baths, on the other hand, can be a real treat in the cold season. These, as well as herbal baths, can help to quickly cure a cold.


How exactly do bath additives work and in which versions are they available?

Bath additives come in a wide variety of forms. You can buy them in the form of pressed tablets or as classic granules. As mentioned, the ingredients often used are essential oils, all kinds of medicinal herbs and plants, and salts. But grapes, milk, and honey are also often used as bath additives.

Bath pearls are particularly popular and well-known. They are filled with beneficial ingredients in a rubber case. Added to warm water, they dissolve and the bath can begin. The inside of the bath pearls often contains cocoa butter, olive oil, milk proteins, shea butter and many other herbs. Although they don't foam, the nourishing effect is absorbed by the water and thus made available to the body. When you take a bath in your own bathtub, the effect can unfold fully and be absorbed by the skin.


What is the purpose of shower gel and how does it nourish the skin?

Strictly speaking, shower gel is nothing more than soap. However, unlike most soaps, shower gel is available in liquid form. Liquid soap for the whole body does much more than just wash away dirt. Shower gel usually contains various fragrances that are intended to increase well-being. Roses, strawberries, honey, almonds, lemongrass, olives, pineapple, chocolate or papaya are often used for this purpose. In addition to the fragrances, shower gel also contains a variety of care ingredients. These can either invigorate and refresh the skin, stimulate circulation, or provide important minerals, vitamins or salt for the skin. In addition to skin care, it also gives a fresh feeling. The skin remains soft and the oils it contains ensure youthful elasticity.


Shower gel and bath additive differ in concentration

So can a bath additive be used as a shower gel or a shower gel as a bath additive?

The shower gel itself consists largely of water. This contains various surfactants as well as glycerine, fragrances and care ingredients and alcohol. This means that the shower gel is ready for use as soon as you buy it. Bath additives, on the other hand, often contain the same or similar ingredients, but are available in a much higher concentration because they usually do not contain water. The care ingredients and essential oils in a bath additive can therefore react quite aggressively to the skin when you shower. The bath additives are only diluted when added to the bath water and can then develop their full effect. If this step is not taken, the skin will be very dry from the bath additive.

This is why a bath additive should not be used when showering. However, it is not a problem to use a shower gel as a bath additive. The disadvantage is that the desired effect only occurs when a large amount of shower gel is added to the water. In the short or long term, however, this will be very expensive. From a health perspective, however, this application does not have any other disadvantages. Nevertheless, we recommend that you use a bath additive when bathing and a shower gel when showering for health reasons and from a financial perspective. You can now find the right care products in our online shop - just have a look around.


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