Improve your health or simply your bathing fun with pure natural power
The history of humans and medicinal herbs, wild plants and wild herbs goes back a long way. Back then, we looked for plants in our immediate surroundings to use them for medicinal purposes, for coloring or as food. It was only when we became sedentary that we began to cultivate the useful properties of certain species and improve them through cross-breeding. In this article, we want to take a closer look at the wild plants that have been almost forgotten or pushed back by humans and find out what effects they have and what they can be used for.
We humans decide when, where, which plant grows how
As different as the many plants in this world may be, they all have one thing in common - their vitality! As soon as a plant has found the right environment, it begins to expand and tries to take up as much space as possible. But this is exactly what gives the gardener no peace, which is why they are constantly cut back, pushed back and sometimes completely eradicated. Living space is also scarce in the plant world and so it is no wonder that they also have to assert themselves against the others. The great diversity of species would probably not be found without humans. And yet many plants have literally had to bite the dust.
The medicinal herbs and plants that had to give way to today's cultivated plants and the plants preferred by humans have therefore almost been forgotten. Of course, it is difficult to define the boundary between wild plants and garden plants, after all, all garden plants are descended from wild species in some way. But garden plants would probably not survive long or very successfully in the wild. Which wild plant species live inconspicuously in our forests and have to eke out an unknown existence?
The ABC of the Repressed Wild Plants
The hazelroot | Asarum europaeum
The hazelwort is native to European deciduous and mixed forests. It doesn't even need a lot of light to be happy. A few years ago it was used to wean alcoholics off alcohol. Today we know that this is not a very good idea, as it also damages the liver. It is currently used to cleanse the kidneys and as an emetic. The hazelwort loves moist soil and thrives very well in dark areas under trees and bushes.
The winter cress | Barbarea vulgaris
The barbary herb or winter cress is native to all of Europe and prefers loose and moist surfaces. The taste of this wild plant is very similar to watercress. The wild herb also has a lot of vitamin C. It is used in a wide variety of dishes with potatoes, salads, quark dishes and butter. It is a very spicy herb that is often found in ditches, clearings and pastures. It can be particularly effective in a dish after a nice cold bath. (Read also: Taking a cold bath | Which bath additive helps with colds?
The wild carrot | Daucus carota
The wild carrot can be found in meadows and on the edges of roads. It can also be found all over Europe and moist and loose soil offers the best conditions for a large population. When used in infusions and baths, the wild carrot can have a diuretic effect and can soothe intestinal inflammations. However, it plays no role as a food. This is mainly because it does not have a uniform taproot and is therefore difficult to cultivate. (Read also: Find the right bath additive | For summer and winter!
The Viper's Bugloss | Echium vulgare
Whether known as ox tongue or viper's bugloss, this wild plant can be found in spring in European forests. Wherever there are bumblebees, bees and butterflies, viper's bugloss is not far away. The herb was previously used for external detoxification. It is therefore a mild antiseptic that is not poisonous and has only a slight aroma. However, it has not made it to become a food for us humans. It is used solely to decorate drinks and cocktails.
Meadowsweet | Filipendula ulmaria
Wet meadows, river and stream banks - that's exactly where meadowsweet can be found. This wild plant is native to Europe and Asia and has a pleasant scent from June to August. It also contains a lot of essential oils, flavonoids and tannins, making it a perfect medicinal plant. This can be done, for example, in the form of a sweat-inducing tea that fights fever and colds. In a warm bath or as an infusion, it supports wound healing. (Read also: Essential oils - the pure power of plants | Guide)
Wild herbs and plants support health sustainably
Not all of the plants mentioned above can be used in a nice, soothing bath. However, in the form of a tea or infusion before and after a bath, they support recovery from various ailments and illnesses. You can find strong and relaxing, cooling and invigorating as well as health-promoting bath additives in our online shop. Discover the right bath additive for the autumn and winter season now and recharge your batteries with a warm bath.