Contact & FAQ

Just send us a message and we will take care of your personal request.


Runastrasse 86 6800 Feldkirch
+43 (0) 5522 728 35

contact form

  • FAQ

    Which product is right for my needs?

    Personal advice is very important to us. Please just call us on +43 (0) 5522 728 35 and we will be happy to provide advice.

    Where can I buy HELFE products?

    In Austria you can get all of our products in pharmacies. If these are not in stock, they will be available for collection within a maximum of one day. If you don't want to order online, contact us by e-mail or phone and we will deliver directly or refer you to one of our partners.

    Who is my contact if I have questions about sales, marketing or similar?

    Write to us at and inform us about your request. We will forward your request to the right contact person, who will get in touch with you directly.

    We are happy to be able to help.
    The HELFE team