Our valuable upcycling raw material – oak bark 🌳

The valuable active ingredients in our oak bark products come from the bark of the English oak, also known as the summer oak. In the timber industry, these oaks are traditionally felled in the wild, a process in which the trees are felled in a sustainable manner to make room for new growth. The bark that is produced is often considered a waste product and remains unused in many places. For us, however, it is much more than just a by-product - it becomes a valuable upcycling raw material that finds a new purpose in our complex production process.

We process the oak bark with great attention to detail and integrate its unique properties into our high-quality products so that it can develop its full effect. By using this natural raw material, we actively contribute to conserving resources and at the same time reduce unnecessary waste. In this way, we support the cycle of sustainability by sensibly reusing supposedly unused material.

A particularly fascinating aspect: oak trees grow back from their own stump and renew themselves naturally. Our products are therefore not only caring, but also represent a conscious and sustainable approach to nature.