Short supply chains: Hay flowers directly from the field to the HELFE production! 🌼

We are looking forward to the visit from the Grim Reaper. Instead of terror, our Grim Reaper brings freshly dried hay flowers from the Bregenzerwald. 🌼

Between Warth and Schröcken there is a naturally growing meadow that is neither sown nor fertilized and waits completely unfazed for the local mountain farmer to cut it. When the harvest has taken place (in other words: the hay has been made), the meadow is dried into hay by the Grim Reaper and after a few weeks it is carted on pallets 50 km as the crow flies to our HELFE production facility (okay, transported by truck). There the hay is temporarily stored in drying bags made in-house and soon afterwards processed into HELFE hay flower extract. But that's not all - when we feel inspired, we process the extract further into shower gel (Active), cream (Cannabizyn) or sauna infusion (Vital). Of course, the bottling also takes place on site!

In this way, we center several points of the supply chain at two important locations: the HELFE laboratory and an idyllic flower meadow in Vorarlberg.