Get clear skin with these bath additives!
Pimples - everyone has them, but none of us likes them! They can appear not only on the face, but also on any other part of the body. With the help of hygiene, however, they can be contained and even completely eliminated. Be it on the neck, face, bottom, back or décolleté. Countless masks, creams and peelings provide a real anti-pimple program orchestra. There are also a variety of bath additives. In this article, we will take a closer look at which bath additives help against pimples and which active ingredients promise clear skin.
A bath with the right bath additive against pimples helps the whole body!
As mentioned above, pimples can appear all over the body. This applies to the clearly visible areas such as the face, décolleté and neck as well as to the invisible ones such as the bottom or back. A nice bath with the right bath additive against pimples is an excellent way to reach and treat hidden areas. In addition, a nice bath provides relaxation and well-being, which at the same time also prevents pimples. It is no secret that most pimples after puberty are caused by stress in addition to poor hygiene. A full bath with a bath additive against pimples and for clear skin not only combats the annoying "horns", but also the stress. The pores are cleaned, the skin is cared for and treated with antibacterial agents. Win-win-win!
Bath additive with sea salt against annoying and painful pimples!
People who suffer from impure skin and spots know that after a nice vacation by the sea, their skin has changed for the better. During this period, blackheads, spots and other symptoms have been successfully combated. Basically, this could be because the stress was reduced during the vacation or because the sea water and the sandy beach caused this result. Whatever brought about these positive changes is irrelevant. What is certain, however, is that lots of sun, salt water and sand are the final enemies of spots.
One way to get beautiful, clear skin like you would on vacation is to create the same conditions as you would find in that place. The main role is played by the sea or salt water. You cannot bring the sea water back home. However, you can buy sea salt for pimples at home. The effect is the same as on vacation. You should make sure that the sea salt for clear skin can only be successful if it is of high quality. This will result in great results!
Why does a bath additive with sea salt help against pimples and ensure clear skin?
It doesn't matter whether you buy sea salt or make your own bath additive. Sea salt helps fight pimples, that's a fact! This special salt is so effective because it cleans the skin tissue and the many skin pores. At the same time, it creates firmer skin, which has a very positive effect on cleansing. Thanks to sea salt, firmer and hygienic skin is created, which can be clearly seen in the complexion. The skin is also opened up, allowing toxins and other waste products to drain away easily. Furthermore, high-quality sea salt in the bath additive ensures:
- better blood circulation in the skin
- an improved metabolism, which protects against pore clogging
- more efficient regeneration of skin cells
With all these arguments and effects on our skin, sea salt makes various cleansing creams and peelings completely superfluous! It is a real helper in the fight against pimples and impure skin, and it also comes from nature!
What should be taken into account when using bath additives with sea salt to ensure clear skin and fewer pimples?
Regular treatment to achieve clear skin!
In order to achieve clear skin, you need to take a sea salt bath regularly. A bath with a sea salt bath additive used only once a month will not produce any positive results! We recommend taking a bath like this three times a week to achieve clear skin and fewer spots in the long term.
Bathing time also plays a role in achieving clear skin
Bathing in your own tub should not last too long to successfully combat spots and treat your skin. Bathing for too long can cause dry skin and that is definitely not the goal. 15 to 20 minutes is more than enough to treat your skin sufficiently with the help of sea salt bath additives. So the motto is: regular in moderation rather than seldom and too long!
Water temperature is an important factor for clear skin
If you want to have clear skin, you should also pay attention to the water temperature when bathing. This should be around 35°C. Generally speaking, the warmer the water, the more the individual pores open. This allows the skin-friendly materials to penetrate the skin. However, at a temperature of 38°C, the water becomes uncomfortable and too hot!
Fight impure skin with the right amount of salt!
The salt concentration must not be too high! More salt does NOT mean that the spots will disappear faster or better. The salt concentration in a tub of around 150 litres should be around one kilo. This is more than enough to get clear skin. Too much salt in the water, on the other hand, can lead to irritated skin and other small injuries that burn extremely badly.
This is how the bathtub should be filled with sea salt bath additive:
To begin with, water should be poured into the bathtub. A thermometer helps to achieve the right temperature (35°C). Then boil the sea salt in a pan with a litre of water. This will allow the sea salt to dissolve well and can then be poured into the tub - the bath is now ready to start!
What other bath additives are there for pimples besides sea salt?
There are plenty of bath additives that can be used successfully against pimples. Sea salt is not the only thing that can be used for this treatment. Other bath additives for clear skin and fewer pimples are:
- tea tree oil
- thyme
- chamomile
With these bath additives, the bathing experience should not last longer than 15 to 20 minutes. The water temperature must also be 35°C in order to achieve clear skin!
Bath additive against pimples 1: Tea tree oil for clear skin
Along with sea salt, tea tree oil is an extremely effective bath additive for pimples. Since it is an essential oil, not everyone can tolerate it. That's why everyone should check beforehand whether they can tolerate tea tree oil or not. Those who can tolerate it can expect a cleansing and disinfecting effect on the skin and can look forward to clear skin. It also relieves itching and is also pain-relieving! Another great property of tea tree oil is that it is anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating. All of these other effects support the treatment of pimples.
Bath additive against pimples 2: Get clear skin thanks to chamomile!
Chamomile in the bath water is another aid to combat pimples. Chamomile has a calming, pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect on our skin. A nice bath with chamomile as a bath additive against pimples works wonders. Clear skin is achieved not only through sea salt and tea tree oil, but also through chamomile. Add this bath additive to the bath water and relax in it for 15 to 20 minutes at 35°C!
Bath additive against pimples 3. Fewer pimples and clear skin thanks to thyme
Last but not least - Thyme is also an excellent bath additive for pimples and general skin treatment. Most people probably only know thyme as a pure spice and tea plant. But like tea tree oil, it also contains essential oils. This fragrant plant can therefore also be used against pimples. It has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Add to the bath water and relax at the recommended temperature and bath time to combat pimples and for clear skin.
These tools can also help in the fight against pimples!
In addition to the right bath additive, other aids can provide long-term support in the fight against pimples all over the body. These include:
- Bath brushes for the back to remove dead skin cells
- linen massage bands
- or massage gloves to improve pore cleansing and blood circulation