The perfect bath additive as a skin care product for dry skin !
Our skin is the largest organ we have! So it's no wonder that it requires very special care. Getting and maintaining soft, strong, gentle and healthy skin is not that difficult. Bath additives play a crucial role. Relaxing in a nice warm bath, leaving everyday life behind and taking care of your skin at the same time? That's definitely possible! In this article, we'll take a closer look at which skin care products help against dry skin and what role bath additives play in this!
Who often suffers from dry skin? | Causes of dry skin
The causes of dry skin couldn't be more varied! Depending on the season, age and lifestyle, dry and itchy skin can be the unsightly result. While in winter the heating air can be the cause of dry skin, in summer the air conditioning is often the culprit. Generally it is rooms with low humidity that can lead to the skin drying out. In addition to external circumstances, other reasons can also be responsible for this poor skin condition.
It is not uncommon for the skin to dry out in old age. The reason for this is the production of fat by the sebaceous glands, which no longer function as reliably as we get older. This disrupts the skin's moisture balance enormously and dry skin is the result. Being severely underweight often results in dry skin. But hereditary factors can also cause this problem. Diet also influences the condition of the skin. An unbalanced and unhealthy diet is also a cause, as is the use of the wrong soaps, lotions, bath additives, perfumes and shower gels. Problem skin that repeatedly suffers from dryness should be carefully cared for.
Basically, the following always applies: the more Mother Nature is in it, the better it is for your skin care and the less likely you are to have dry skin!
Extra tip: Dry skin should only be in contact with a full bath for a maximum of 20 minutes. The water temperature should not exceed 38°C. Long, extensive and hot baths also cause or worsen dry skin!
Natural ingredients for soft and healthy skin!
No matter whether you use bath salts or bath milk for bathing – as we now know, natural ingredients are essential! Ingredients such as:
- Honey
- Dead Sea salt
- Aloe Vera
- papaya
- whole milk
- orange oil
- olive oil
- almond oil
- baby oil
- and even lemon juice
are real helpers in the fight against dry skin.
The effect and application of bath additives against dry skin
When using a bath additive for dry skin, each individual, natural ingredient takes on a very specific role. While honey, whole milk and Dead Sea salt soften the skin, promote circulation, provide it with moisture and important substances, lemon juice cleanses the skin from the inside out. All oils and yes, even baby oil, provide a moisturizing effect on dry skin. Vitamins and minerals are also passed on thanks to a natural bath additive for dry skin. The itching is relieved and dandruff formation is also combated. In summary, a bath additive for dry skin provides the following results thanks to natural ingredients such as high-quality, moisturizing plant oils :
- soft, smooth and healthy skin
- relief from itching and dandruff
- a moisturizing effect
- better blood circulation
- for a sufficient supply of minerals, vitamins and moisture
- a fundamental cleansing from the inside out
- and thus to a clean, healthy and youthful complexion!
The use of bath additives against dry skin is crucial!
As we already know, the water temperature and bathing time are crucial factors in the fight against dry skin. Therefore, the water should not be warmer than 38°C and should not be used for longer than 20 minutes. The manufacturer will tell you how to add the bath additive to the bath water. But skin care is not done with a single bath! For long-term soft, gentle, youthful, healthy and firm skin, such a bath should become a regular ritual. If this is repeated in a regular cycle, then dry skin will be a thing of the past forever!
After a relaxing and soothing bath to combat dry skin, the skin should not be rubbed dry abruptly! If you do this, you can skip the bath altogether for skin care! Instead, the skin should be gently dabbed dry. A soft cotton towel is particularly helpful for this. A nourishing lotion can also do the skin good after a bath.
The A and O of skin care with bath additives | HELFE helps!
Anyone who wants to do something good for themselves and their skin, especially if dry skin is a problem, now knows what is important for proper skin care. Natural ingredients, the right choice and use of bath additives and the correct aftercare are essential for skin care. We'll make sure you always find the right bath additives! That's why you'll find a few skin care products in the appendix to this article that can help you with your next bath!